To start with the best 3, here are 3 words from me for all the readers of - "Happy New Year". Cheers to +1 and wish we get more 1's(positives) and less 0's(negatives) this year.
I was to publish this post on Jan 2nd but couldn't due to a technical glitch which was a result of me trying to install an incompatible plugin on this blog's WordPress.OK, lets get the topic started and going. Here is my listing of three best things in Technology from the year 2010. Well, don't ask me why only 3 things, I just wanted to share three best things of the category which i love to follow over the Internet.
BeckRam already made his contribution of the facts in sports of 2010 in his post of
Looking back at 2010 in Sports. Now, here's me with MY favourite and best things in technology from 2010. Note that I am not making a 3,2 and 1 over here, I am only listing the best three which means that all are equal to each other, IMHO.
iPad: Nothing could beat this one out of the my best 3 in technology.
[caption id="attachment_315" align="aligncenter" width="434" caption="Apple ipad"]

Call it sheer innovation or sheer branding from Apple Inc. "Tablets" is one word that none apart from geeked out techies would have known, until Apple's iPad was launched. Apparently, Steve Jobs said "iPad is a device that sits between a phone and a computer" and thereafter it knocked out the netbook market and netbooks are nowhere to be seen from 2011 I guess. Any guesses how many were sold so far ? I can guess some 10 or 20 millions. And the latest buzz is that we should probably wait for ipad 2 from Apple, if rumours are to be believed, this one has new and enhanced features starting from iOS4.0. I should mention about stiff and huge competition from Android. There were other devices which were touted to be ipad killers but only got to make a pretty small dent on the ipad which was, eh, brushed away.
Cloud Computing: 2010 saw small and also large business embrace cloud computing to a good extent.
[caption id="attachment_314" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Cloud Computing"]

Amazon's cloud computing stood as the front runner and I can proudly say that my blog is also hosted on cloud servers. Office applications are being hosted on cloud's so that people who are hooked onto the Internet 24*7 can use these applications to manipulate on their office files on the move. There are many cloud computing companies and here are
Top 10 from them.
[caption id="attachment_313" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Say about Cloud Computing to your boss"]

One problem about cloud computing is that the IT guys really need to explain patiently about cloud computing and its benefits to small businesses as these business persons are the ones who need to understand where their data will be stored, computed on and what kind of service they can expect from a cloud computing company.
Social Media: Many would rather prefer to call this Facebook and not Social Media. But no, that might be wrong. Social Media is that which encompasses all of the entities on the Internet using which you can be Social.
[caption id="attachment_317" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Join the Social Media Bandwagon"]

Now I am not going to mention all those which are encompassed; this list will take a full page. Social Media Marketing was at its peak this year. 2010 saw Social Media being embraced to an excellent extent by businesses and they are using it the best way to promote, sell, help service, keep customers posted through tweets and announcements and also to patiently answer angry customers, in a social way, as well. We saw
Ford Motor Company launching their SUV the "Ford Explorer" on Facebook!
[caption id="attachment_328" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Social Media Marketing"]

Clearly, Facebook was the leader of the Social Media pack by claiming
$2 Billion in 2010 Sales and this is just a claim, we do not know the exact numbers(It should be more and more). Mark Zuckerberg got his extra share of fame from the title of the 'Time person of the year' and also from 'The Social Network' - a movie being made on him, his friends and Facebook.
Note: All images on this post are sourced from, if you are the author for one of the images and do not like them being here, please contact me at